
I am Clinical Assistant Professor and National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Advanced Fellow in Real-World Data Analytics at the Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge and Visiting Senior Clinical Lecturer in Psychosis Studies at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London (KCL).

I specialise in real-world data (RWD) analytics using EHR data. EHRs are used by clinicians to document the care they provide to patients. I have developed and applied natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract detailed clinical information from free text EHR data to support real-world evidence (RWE) generation that can help to better predict clinical outcomes and inform the pharmaceutical pipeline to support treatment development and market access. I also specialise in the application of real-time data visualisation tools that support clinicians and healthcare providers to optimise the care they provide based on insights from EHR data. My vision is to harness EHR and patient reported outcome measure (PROM) data to provide clinicians and patients with actionable insights to better personalise treatment delivery and improve clinical outcomes.

I studied Medical Sciences at the University of Cambridge before completing my medical degree at the University of Oxford. I completed training as an academic foundation doctor in London at the North Middlesex and Whittington Hospitals, an academic clinical fellowship at the Warneford Hospital in Oxford, and an academic clinical lectureship in General Adult Psychiatry at the IoPPN and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM).

During my Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Research Training Fellowship and Health Data Research (HDR) UK Fellowship, I developed NLP techniques to investigate clinical outcomes in people with serious mental disorders using de-identified free text EHR data from the SLaM Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Case Register and Clinical Record Interactive Search tool (CRIS). I have since been awarded an NIHR Advanced Fellowship to develop data analytic techniques to support frontline clinicians and reduce delays for patients to receive effective mental health treatments.

As part of my clinical and research career I have collaborated with doctors, clinical informaticians and healthcare data scientists around the world including London, Oxford, Taipei and Boston (as a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard Medical School) and published numerous original research articles on mental healthcare data analytics.

Having previously held a choral scholarship and lay clerkship while studying Medicine, in my spare time I enjoy singing as a freelance tenor in choirs across Boston, Oxford, Cambridge and London.


NIHR Advanced Fellow

General Adult Psychiatry

Department of Psychological Medicine, King's College London

Fulbright Scholar

Digital Psychiatry

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA

Academic Clinical Fellow

General Adult Psychiatry, Old Age Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Substance Misuse

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust and Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford

Academic Primary Care (Mental Health Sciences)

James Wigg Practice, Kentish Town and Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London

Care of the Elderly/Vascular Surgery/Cardiology and Acute Medicine

North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust


  • Evidence Based Diagnosis and Screening (Apr 2012)
  • Clinical Epidemiology and Decision Making (Jan 2012)
  • Essential Medical Statistics (Sep 2011)
  • Ethics for Biosciences (May 2011 - Jul 2011)
  • Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods (May 2011)
  • The Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care (Oct 2010)

University of Oxford


University of Cambridge


University of Oxford

BM BCh with distinction

  • Merits awarded in Neurology, Psychiatry and Final Year Research Project

University of Oxford

BA (Hons)

  • Part IA: Medical and Veterinary Sciences - 1st Class (92nd percentile)
  • Part IB: Medical and Veterinary Sciences - 2.1 (79th percentile)
  • Part II: Natural Sciences Pathology - 2.1 (68%)
  • Part II: Immunology Research Project - 1st Class (77%)

University of Cambridge


Research Supervision

PhD Student - Biostatistics & Health Informatics, KCL

Longitudinal changes in cognitive impairement for patients with schizophrenia

Subsequent post: Senior Manager (Data Science & Analytics), UK Civil Service

Research Assistant - Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

FEP Antipsychotic CRIS Study

Subsequent post: Senior Data Analyst, UK Ministry of Justice

Research Assistant - Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

MRC Mental Health Data Pathfinder and FEP Antipsychotic CRIS Study

Subsequent post: Senior Data Scientist, UK Health Security Agency

MSc student - Centre For Urban Science And Progress (CUSP), KCL

Urban mental health in psychosis

Subsequent post: PhD Student, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering department, UCL

MSc student – Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

Life expectancy and cause of death in patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar affective disorder

Attending Psychiatrist, Taipei City Psychiatric Center, Taiwan

MSc student – Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

The Role of Substance Misuse in Reduced Life Expectancy in Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective and Bipolar Disorder

Intercalated BSc student – Imperial College London Medical School

Improving life expectancy in people with serious mental illness: should we place more emphasis on primary prevention?

Subsequent post: Foundation Doctor, Health Education East of England

MSc student – Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

The use of Community Treatment Orders in psychosis and associated patient outcomes

Subsequent post: PhD student at Genes Environment Lifespan Lab, Birkbeck College London

Foundation Doctor – North East Thames Foundation School

Clinical outcomes and mortality associated with weekend admission to psychiatric hospital

Subsequent post: NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow, SLaM NHS Foundation Trust

MSc student – Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

Using natural language processing to identify mood instability in patient records and investigate associations with clinical outcomes

Subsequent post: Assistant Psychologist, Ebola Support Service, SLaM NHS Foundation Trust

Foundation Doctor – East Anglia Foundation School

A neuroplastic deafferentation hypothesis for bipolar disorder

Subsequent post: NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow, SLaM NHS Foundation Trust

Research Assistant – Department of Psychosis Studies, KCL

Do antidepressants increase the risk of mania and bipolar disorder in people with depression? A retrospective electronic case register cohort study

Subsequent post: Resident Physician, New York State Office of Mental Health



Primary Care (F2)

Dr. Roy Macgregor

James Wigg Practice, Kentish Town, London

Vascular Surgery (F1)

Miss Meryl Davis and Miss Fiona Myint

North Middlesex Hospital, London


Medical Elective

Department of Psychiatry – University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Peggy Richter

Medical Elective

Karthika Clinic and Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences – India
Dr. N Thiru

Firm A2a – John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Professor Tim Peto, Professor Rodney Phillips and Dr. Jeremy Dwight


Warneford Hospital, Oxford
Dr. Digby Quested and Dr. Gail Critchlow

Primary Care

27 Beaumont Street Medical Practice – Oxford
Dr. Hugo Hammersley


Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital – Alder Hey
Dr. Andrew Bowhay


Department of Plastic Surgery – Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
Mr. Tim Goodacre

Department of Urology – Churchill Hospital, Oxford
Mr. David Cranston

Department of Colorectal Surgery – John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Professor Neil Mortenson and Mr. Christopher Cunningham

Academic Awards

Fellowships And Grants

Journal Articles

Jonathan P Rogers, Thomas A Pollak, Nazifa Begum, Anna Griffin, Ben Carter, Megan Pritchard, Matthew Broadbent, Anna Kolliakou, Jessie Ke, Robert Stewart, Rashmi Patel, Adrian Bomford, Ali Amad, Michael S Zandi, Glyn Lewis, Timothy R Nicholson and Anthony S David

Psychological Medicine, Nov 2021. doi: 10.1017/S0033291721004402.

Natalia Viani, Lucia Yin, Joyce Kam, Ayunni Alawi, André Bittar, Rina Dutta, Rashmi Patel, Robert Stewart and Sumithra Velupillai

Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis, Oct 2018; 183-192. dblp key: conf/acl-louhi/VianiYKABDPSV18.


Jonathan P Rogers, Thomas A Pollak, Nazifa Begum, Anna Griffin, Rashmi Patel, Megan Pritchard, Matthew Broadbent, Graham Blackman, Anna Kolliakou, Robert Stewart, Timothy RJ Nicholson, Anthony S David

Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, May 2019; 90 (S2): A11.

Book Chapters



Rashmi Patel, Hitesh Shetty, Jane Boydell, Philip McGuire and Matthew Taylor

British Association for Psychopharmacology (BAP) Summer Meeting, Cambridge, UK (21st Jul 2014)

Rashmi Patel, Hitesh Shetty, Jane Boydell, Philip McGuire and Matthew Taylor

International Society for Affective Disorders (ISAD) Congress, Berlin, Germany (29th Apr 2014)


Abnormal Psychology iBSc

King's College London, UK - Various dates, 2015-2018

Medical Careers Day: So you want to be a doctor?

Royal Society of Medicine, London/Oakham/Eton/Birmingham/Upton, UK - Various dates, 2011-2017

Medical Careers Day: So you want to be a doctor?

Royal Society of Medicine, London/Oakham/Eton/Birmingham/Upton, UK - Various dates, 2011-2015

Audit presentation

James Wigg Practice, London, UK - 20th Jul 2010

Medical Careers Day: So you want to be a doctor?

Royal Society of Medicine, Eton, UK - 26th Jun 2010


Biomedical Research Centre, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

King's College London, UK - 16th Jul 2015


  • Transdiagnostic Psychiatry
  • Real-World Evidence (RWE)
  • Epidemiology
  • Mental Healthcare Data Research
  • Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
  • Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs)
  • Pharma CNS Pipelines
  • Journal Article Publishing
  • Thought Leadership
  • International Conference Chair/Speaker
  • Research Study Design
  • Research Grant Writing
  • Research Budget Management
  • Attracting and Hiring International Research Talent
  • Cross-functional Team Leadership